Where’s the beef?

Occasionally I really want a piece of steak, medium rare and juicy. Even some good ground beef to make spaghetti Bolognese would do if nothing else. I’m not a huge meat eater, but sometimes I just want some good, tasty beef. But I’m kind of stubborn. I keep trying and I live on hope for […]

If you can’t beat em, Join em.. or go deaf trying…

Living here this past year has been a challenge on so many levels. But I have to admit I’m enjoying this summer month-long fiesta-thon going on all day and all night here in what seems like the pyrotechnic capitol of Spain.  I say that as I’m in the Valencia region where I’ve been told they […]

You will lose weight in Spain they said..

Well it’s 5am here and the people are still out partying in the street below my apartment. I’m awake as usual from the raucous so might as well type about food. I’m hungry. I’ve traveled all over Spain and eaten a lot. Too much, my stomach tells me. But even when I’m not hungry I’ll […]

Doc in a Box

I’m taking another stab at healthcare here, no pun intended. Well after complaining about the questionable care I received on multiple occasions here, I spoke with several Spaniards who carry private insurance in addition to their public health benefits. I was told to go to another health center; one that is very large and with […]